a change of your perspective

a change of your perspective

a change of your perspective

In my 1:1 sessions you experience a deeper level of interconnectedness through guided engagement with what wants to be seen - concerning your conscious, subconscious and unconscious patterns.

Intuitively and in consultation with you, I choose the healing practice and creative process that supports your topic of concern and overall well-being in the most expedient way. I create a safe space for you to turn inward, focusing on your individual needs. 

My main practices are Human Design, Reiki and Inner Child Work, which I supplement for example with Muscle Testing, Writing Exercises and further advice on everyday routines or creative techniques. energy therapy can take many forms, meaning something different to everyone, and that's why each session is highly personal and unique - and I facilitate my practice accordingly. 

Go ahead and book your free introduction call with me here. 

In my 1:1 sessions you experience a deeper level of interconnectedness through guided engagement with what wants to be seen - concerning your conscious, subconscious and unconscious patterns.

Intuitively and in consultation with you, I choose the healing practice and creative process that supports your topic of concern and overall well-being in the most expedient way. I create a safe space for you to turn inward, focusing on your individual needs. 

My main practices are Human Design, Reiki and Inner Child Work, which I supplement for example with Muscle Testing, Writing Exercises and further advice on everyday routines or creative techniques. energy therapy can take many forms, meaning something different to everyone, and that's why each session is highly personal and unique - and I facilitate my practice accordingly. 

Go ahead and book your free introduction call with me here. 

In my 1:1 sessions you experience a deeper level of interconnectedness through guided engagement with what wants to be seen - concerning your conscious, subconscious and unconscious patterns.

Intuitively and in consultation with you, I choose the healing practice and creative process that supports your topic of concern and overall well-being in the most expedient way. I create a safe space for you to turn inward, focusing on your individual needs. 

My main practices are Human Design, Reiki and Inner Child Work, which I supplement for example with Muscle Testing, Writing Exercises and further advice on everyday routines or creative techniques. energy therapy can take many forms, meaning something different to everyone, and that's why each session is highly personal and unique - and I facilitate my practice accordingly. 

Go ahead and book your free introduction call with me here. 

90 - 120 min. / 123€ 

  • connect to your intuition

  • release suppressed emotions

  • increase positive emotions

  • embrace social support

  • deepen your spiritual connection & be responsible of your overall health


If my offering speaks to you, I invite you to embark on to your own journey and to contact me. I will make sure to respond within 2-3 business days in order for us to schedule time for an introduction call.

it starts with you 


This is an initial consultation to get to know each other and to assess your given situation. Let’s clarify questions, dig into what wants to be explored and define your desired outcome. The introduction call is without session binding and for free. You should plan approx. 20-30 minutes of duration.

introduction call


Based on what we have discussed and my recommended healing approach, we meet either in person or remotely and dive into the work. The duration depends on the given situation, varying between 90-120 min. I always take the time it needs, without effect on the session price of 123€. 

1:1 session


If applicable, you will digitally receive a(n) audio/video recording, a pdf-document, and further links, tools or guidance. I am also available for questions or thoughts that come up after the session has ended. 

follow up


  • connect to your intuition

  • release suppressed emotions

  • increase positive emotions

  • embrace social support

  • deepen your spiritual connection & be responsible of your overall health

90 - 120 min. / 123€ 


it starts with you 

If my offering speaks to you, I invite you to embark on to your own journey and to contact me. I will make sure to respond within 2-3 business days in order for us to schedule time for an introduction call.



This is an initial consultation to get to know each other and to assess your given situation. Let’s clarify questions, dig into what wants to be explored and define your desired outcome. The introduction call is without session binding and for free. You should plan approx. 20-30 minutes of duration.

introduction call


Based on what we have discussed and my recommended healing approach, we meet either in person or remotely and dive into the work. The duration depends on the given situation, varying between 90-120 min. I always take the time it needs, without effect on the session price of 123€. 

1:1 session


If applicable, you will digitally receive a(n) audio/video recording, a pdf-document, and further links, tools or guidance. I am also available for questions or thoughts that come up after the session has ended. 

follow up

all you need to know

acts of connection & reflection are the most powerful gift you can give to yourself and others.

acts of connection are the most powerful gift you can give to yourself and others.

all you need to know

  • Roxana


    Helena guided me on the way to gather the bits of myself that were lost and somewhere far away. The reconciliation with this hidden pieces helped me feeling closer to myself and the wholeness within.

  • Lukas


    My first healing experience. At the beginning I was just curious what would happen. Will I feel anything - am I even able to perceive energy? But when I felt the warmth in my face, without being touched at all, it just put a big smile on my face. Afterwards I was a bit exhausted and needed time to process what I had encountered. A powerful experience - thank you Helena!

  • Eva


    Working with Helena has shown me how valuable it is to take time for yourself and also invest in your own mental wellbeing. The full focus on one's own person in the sessions and the individually tailored practices help me a lot to identify issues and work on them. I believe that even in times when I am basically well, this work is a good way to keep me balanced and go through life with more ease.

  • Konstantin


    Helena has a wonderfully calming way of guiding you into a safe space where you can just be. The session with her still had a lasting impact on me and gave me really strong emotional impulses.

  • Anne

    Manifesting Generator

    Thank you, it was again a very trusting and intimate session with you. I was able to let go very well. The sessions with you have led to many insights and courage. I always have the feeling that I can ask questions if I don't understand something. The sessions always left a lot of warmth and a good feeling and have a lasting effect. The human design topic in particular is explained in a very well-structured way and is made accessible to everyone.

  • Jonas


    The session with Helena was an extraordinary journey for me that touched me deeply and spoke to my soul in so many ways. Helena created a calm and sensitive atmosphere, I felt very safe and secure at all times. I felt the energy flowing in my body and was able to release physical tensions as well as emotional burdens. The session ended with a meditative connection and a feeling of inner peace. It was a deeply moving experience that left me more emotionally balanced and energised. I can highly recommend this experience to anyone.

  • Roxana


    Helena guided me on the way to gather the bits of myself that were lost and somewhere far away. The reconciliation with this hidden pieces helped me feeling closer to myself and the wholeness within.

  • Lukas


    My first healing experience. At the beginning I was just curious what would happen. Will I feel anything - am I even able to perceive energy? But when I felt the warmth in my face, without being touched at all, it just put a big smile on my face. Afterwards I was a bit exhausted and needed time to process what I had encountered. A powerful experience - thank you Helena!

  • Eva


    Working with Helena has shown me how valuable it is to take time for yourself and also invest in your own mental wellbeing. The full focus on one's own person in the sessions and the individually tailored practices help me a lot to identify issues and work on them. I believe that even in times when I am basically well, this work is a good way to keep me balanced and go through life with more ease.

  • Konstantin


    Helena has a wonderfully calming way of guiding you into a safe space where you can just be. The session with her still had a lasting impact on me and gave me really strong emotional impulses.

  • Anne

    Manifesting Generator

    Thank you, it was again a very trusting and intimate session with you. I was able to let go very well. The sessions with you have led to many insights and courage. I always have the feeling that I can ask questions if I don't understand something. The sessions always left a lot of warmth and a good feeling and have a lasting effect. The human design topic in particular is explained in a very well-structured way and is made accessible to everyone.

  • Jonas


    The session with Helena was an extraordinary journey for me that touched me deeply and spoke to my soul in so many ways. Helena created a calm and sensitive atmosphere, I felt very safe and secure at all times. I felt the energy flowing in my body and was able to release physical tensions as well as emotional burdens. The session ended with a meditative connection and a feeling of inner peace. It was a deeply moving experience that left me more emotionally balanced and energised. I can highly recommend this experience to anyone.

© 2024 Helena Distler. All rights reserved.

© 2024 Helena Distler.

All rights reserved.

© 2024 Helena Distler. All rights reserved.